Neuromodulation: Harnessing the Power of the Nervous System
The theme will emphasize the field’s transformative force on disease treatment and proven therapies delivered with refined and personalized techniques.
The 16th INS World Congress (INS 2024), will bring together over 1,500 scientists, researchers, engineers, device developers, and healthcare providers to advance the neuromodulation field. Witness the best scientific and teaching programs and ground-breaking research. The theme will emphasize the field’s transformative force on disease treatment and proven therapies delivered with refined and personalized techniques.
World-class fascinating program awaits
Save the date for INS 2024 in your calendar!
Invite your colleagues and join us for what promises to be a fantastic time in Vancouver in May 2024!

Scientific Congress Chairs
With enthusiastic support from the Canadian Neuromodulation Society, our local host chapter who is very excited to welcome you, we assure you this is an event not to be missed! See you there!

Konstantin V. Slavin, MD
Scientific Program Chair

Robert M. Levy, MD, PhD
Scientific Program Co-Chair