Ask the Speaker

Ask the Speaker

Ask the Speaker Guidelines – Via the Congress App


During the session, all attendees will be able to ask the speakers questions using the Ask the Speaker function on the congress App.

When you introduce the session, please:

  • Remind attendees that they can ask questions via the congress App any time during the session.
  • Explain that questions will be answered if time allows.
  • Explain how to use the App: Attendees should find the session in the interactive program on the App, then click on the ‘Ask the Speaker’ button. They then type their question and click the arrow to submit.
  • Attendees can also approach the standing microphone to ask questions.


How to moderate incoming questions from the App:

All questions will be displayed on the iPad (which one moderator receives 10 – 15 minutes before the session starts). Questions will be in chronological order.

  1. Scroll the iPad window up / down to review all the questions and choose a question to ask.
  2. Read the question out loud into the microphone.
  3. Request a specific speaker to answer the question using the microphone.
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